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Agreement Clause Grammar

Agreement Clause Grammar: A Comprehensive Guide

Agreement clause grammar is a crucial aspect of writing that many people overlook. Proper usage of agreement clause grammar helps avoid misunderstandings and confusion among readers. In this article, we will discuss the basics of agreement clause grammar and provide you with examples of correct usage.

What is an Agreement Clause?

In the English language, an agreement clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb that must agree with each other in number. The subject is the part of the sentence that performs the action, and the verb is the part of the sentence that describes the action.

There are two types of agreement clauses: singular and plural. A singular agreement clause is used when the subject is singular, whereas a plural agreement clause is used when the subject is plural.

For example:

Singular agreement clause: The dog barks loudly.

Plural agreement clause: The dogs bark loudly.

As you can see, the subject (dog) in the singular agreement clause is singular, and the verb (barks) agrees with it. In the plural agreement clause, the subject (dogs) is plural, and the verb (bark) agrees with it.

Importance of Agreement Clause Grammar

Using correct agreement clause grammar is essential in clear communication. Incorrect usage of agreement clauses can result in grammatical errors, which can cause confusion and misinterpretation of the intended meaning in a sentence.

In addition, search engines like Google use correct grammar to determine the relevance of an article to a user`s search query. Using proper agreement clause grammar in your writing will improve your content`s ranking in search results, making it more visible to users.

Common Mistakes in Agreement Clause Grammar

One of the most common mistakes in agreement clause grammar is a disagreement in the number of the subject and verb. Many writers tend to use a singular subject with a plural verb or vice versa, leading to grammatical errors.

For example:

Incorrect: The team were playing well.

Correct: The team was playing well.

Incorrect: The boys walks to school.

Correct: The boys walk to school.

Another common mistake is using collective nouns as singular. Collective nouns are singular in meaning but can be plural in form. It`s essential to know whether a collective noun is singular or plural to ensure proper agreement clause grammar.

For example:

Incorrect: The jury have reached their decision.

Correct: The jury has reached its decision.

Incorrect: The audience stand up to applaud.

Correct: The audience stands up to applaud.


In conclusion, agreement clause grammar is a crucial aspect of writing that affects the clarity of a sentence and its ranking in search results. Proper usage of agreement clauses helps avoid grammatical errors and communicate the intended message effectively. Remember to match the number of the subject and verb in your writing and to differentiate between singular and plural collective nouns. With these tips, you can improve your writing and make it more effective and professional.
