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Flow through Agreement

When it comes to business agreements, there are many terms and concepts that can be confusing. One such term is „flow through agreement”. In this article, we will explore what a flow through agreement is, how it works, and why it`s important.

What is a Flow Through Agreement?

A flow through agreement is a legal contract that allows the flow of certain terms or conditions from one agreement to another agreement. This means that the terms and conditions from one agreement are incorporated into the other agreement. Flow through agreements are commonly used in the construction industry and in government contracts.

How does a Flow Through Agreement work?

Flow through agreements work by incorporating the terms and conditions of one agreement into another agreement. For example, if a construction subcontractor signs a flow through agreement with a prime contractor, the terms of the subcontract will „flow through” to the prime contract. This means that the prime contract will contain all of the terms and conditions that are in the subcontract.

Why is a Flow Through Agreement important?

Flow through agreements are important because they help to ensure consistency between contracts. By incorporating the terms and conditions of one agreement into another agreement, there is less risk of conflicting terms between the two contracts. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and disputes between the parties involved.

Flow through agreements are also important when it comes to compliance. For example, if the subcontractor is required to comply with certain regulations or laws, those requirements will be incorporated into the prime contract through the flow through agreement. This ensures that all parties involved are aware of and comply with the necessary regulations.

In addition, flow through agreements can also help to streamline the contracting process. Instead of negotiating and drafting separate contracts for each subcontractor, the prime contractor can use flow through agreements to incorporate the terms and conditions of the subcontract into the prime contract.


In summary, a flow through agreement is a legal contract that allows the terms and conditions of one agreement to flow through to another agreement. Flow through agreements are commonly used in the construction industry and in government contracts. They are important because they help to ensure consistency between contracts, promote compliance with regulations, and streamline the contracting process. As a copy editor, it is important to understand the language and concepts used in these agreements to ensure accurate and effective communication between parties involved in the contract.
